Forgotten entity

There is no life without the sun
as darkness fades
lightness comes

and though i feel you every day
forgotten wonder
not once i pray.

Day and day you let me rise
in heartwarm touches
your kindness lies!

There is no life without the sun
and every day your wonders come!


copyright Farzam Mikail Fardowsi


Das mit der Welt und dem Glück muss man sich so vorstellen…

Will ich gut gelaunt sein in einer beschissenen Welt,

oder will ich unglücklich sein, dafür in einer schönen Welt leben?

Die Mitte sagt der Schlaumeier! Doch wird er dem Interesse an dieser Frage kein Gegner!

Farzam Mikail Fardowsi

Nachhall eines Traums

Ich hab heute in meinem Traum jemanden angeschrien:

“Das ganze Getue und Gejammere und diese soziale Kollektivdepression geht mir auf den Sack!!!! Wisst ihr warum ihr euch alle so leer fühlt im tiefsten inneren? Weil ihr die Inhalte abschaffen wolltet…JA…Alles könnte ja alles Bedeuten….ihr wolltet von allem das beste kosten und euch für nichts entscheiden…”

Jetzt frag ich mich, was das über mich aussagt??? 🙂



Bild dankend entnommen von hier

American Teppanyaki cut in Shime ji sauce and Asparagus with tomato basil parsley accent







Almond oil
black pepper
Soy sauce
a bundle of basil
a bundle of parsley
a tomato
280 gramm american teppanyaki cut steak
Shime ji mushrooms (a bundle)
green asparagus (kitchen ready)


Rub salt and pepper on each side of the Teppanyaki. Heat almond oil in a pan until it is really hot and heat the oven to about 180 degree celcius.
When the oil is really hot fry the teppanyaki on each side for about 1,5 Minutes. Try not to cut or stab the meat because you want to have the juice sealed in and not bleeding out into the pan. 😉
When you are done put the steak into the oven. I made an aluminium covered plate under my steak to catch the juice faling down and laid the steak on the grillage grid.







Leave the steak in the oven for about 10 to 20 minutes (depending on wether you want it to be rare, medium or done)

Here is a video for those who need help finding out how they steak is. With thanks from TheShedOnline




Then I sautéd the Asparagus in almond oil until they are done.



I grated the tomato with a kitchen grater and added it to the asparagus. Also I added a little Salt and pepper.



Now I took a few leaves of the basil and a little parsley and added it to the asparagus and tomato. I let the water biol until it was a nice pasty fluid and the herb leaves are cooked too. Then garnish the dishes with it.



The Sauce is actually pretty easy just sautée the mushrooms until they are nicely brown. Add some salt and pepper and a little soy sauce. heat up reall nice and add milk. Let the milk boil until there is just a saucy fluid left and that’s it.




Now you can add more herbs or spices to the sauce but the american teppanyaki cut from wagyu so tasty, that i didn’t want to ruin the flavors.


Now just garnish your dish as you like an voila you have a teppanyaki steak in shime ji sauce with tomato basil parsley accented asparagus.



Guten Hunger



Mushroom couscous with lamb





Almond oil
Olive oil
2 Eschalots
2 Garlic cloves
2 cups (0.2 litres) of water
2 cups (0.2 litres) of couscous
2 Tomatoes
half bundle of parsley
half a bundle of mint
1 tablespoon of vegetable broth powder
1 teaspoon of black pepper
400g of mushrooms
250g of lambfiletsteaks


First put the water with the cous cous into a pot and add the vegetable broth powder and the pepper. Let it boil! Immediatley after it boils take it from the heat and let it rest until done.

Cut the Eschalots and press the garlic.
Cut the lamb into thin 3-4 cm pieces.
Cut the mushrooms in 1/4 Pieces (never wash the mushrooms under water always just skin them with a knive).

Heat a little almond oil with a little olive oil. Fry the Lamb in a friying pan until it is looks grilled from every side but try to not to dry the lamb out because we want it to be juicy. Add the mint and salt. Take the lamb out of the pan and add it to the couscous.
Now fry the mushrooms in the remaining oil (add olive oil if it dries out). When the mushrooms are getting nicely brown add the eschalots. Let it fry a while until it gives out juice then cut the tomatoe small and add it to the pan. After a while add the pressed garlic and let it all fry a little at medium heat.

Now mix in the cous cous with the lamb and stirr it under a little heat until it mixes nicely with the rest. Add it on a flat plate and garnish it with fresh parsley and voila your mushroom cous cous with lambfilet is ready.
A little mint yoghurt can be a fresh addition as a sauce! 😉

Doesn’t matter

“Doesn’t matter”

My love needs
no leader!

It asks
for no sacrifice!

In my darkest pain
it carries me through
instead of testing me in it!

My love stands by my side
instead of infront of me!

And when my love is coming
it will not matter,

not matter if we have
or are
enough for each other,

not matter if we bind together
or unify in a child,

or any other question!

Because there will be just one question
of importance!

“Do I want to share my life with you?”

Nothing else will matter!

copyright Farzam Mikail Fardowsi



Meine Liebe gebietet
keinen Gebieter!

Sie stellt die Frage
nach dem Opfer nicht!

Sie trägt mich durch mein Leid
anstatt mich darin zu testen!

Meine Liebe steht mir bei
anstatt gegenüber!

Und wenn sie kommt
wird es egal sein,

ob wir genug haben,
oder uns genug sind,

ob wir uns binden
oder in einem Kind vereinen,

ob auch jeder anderen Frage willen!

Denn es wird nur eine Frage geben,
die von Bedeutung ist!

“Will ich mein Leben mit dir teilen?”

Alles Andere ist egal!

copyright by Farzam Mikail Fardowsi